Sunday, August 26, 2012

Honouring our Garden Patron ... Joyce.

Joyce has lived in her present home and raised her children there for her entire married life. Jake built the veggie garden at the end of the plot behind the tall row of cedars and we fortunately inherited it a few years after his passing. We felt so lucky to have to come into a garden with concrete pathways and irrigation system, compost bin, greenhouse and even an area under the old tree where we could comfortably process and display the harvest.

Earlier this month Joyce's family came from all over to spend some time with her. One harvest day I arrived to harvest and she was in her glory ... chatting away with some of the grand daughters, baking up a storm in her kitchen making batches of the  favorite cookie of each of the daughters soon to arrive from out of town.

Then Luc and I received surreptitious phone calls from one of the daughters ... plans were afoot for a surprise birthday party for Joyce ... which she should never have gotten wind of as it was about a month early ... but she did, due to an unguarded phone conversation with an unknowing family member. But nothing would have damped the pleasure the occasion gave Joyce, to have all the family together and many life long friends as well.

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